
Jason Blake

Jason plays the Warr guitar, a twelve-string instrument incorporating the range of a guitar and bass. It is played by tapping the strings, a technique known as touchstyle guitar. He has released progressive rock albums under his own name on Trey Gunn’s 7d Media record label as well as ambient music on Wayfarer Records. Jason may also be seen playing solo Warr guitar performances around the Midwest. For more information and dates, visit his website at

Mike Milaniak

Mike plays 6 and 7 string guitars.  He started playing guitar back when he was in middle school and was inspired by the guitar-driven rock bands of the era.  Mike is a self taught player and plays mainly Musicman guitars and tube amps.  Born and raised on the east coast, Mike moved to Chicago in 2002 and shortly after, responded to an ad in a local paper for a progressive metal guitar player... which lead to joining Aziola Cry.   When not performing with Aziola Cry, Mike is busy playing guitar with the Chicago-based cover band My Metal Heart.

Tommy Murray

Tommy started playing drums at Age 3 and got his first real drum kit at age 5. His passion for drumming continued through grade school, High School and college performing in various Jazz combos and orchestra. After being in countless rock bands and cover bands, he started a tribute to Tool that has continued successfully to this day. Tommy joined Aziola Cry in 2006 and also plays with the Cyberiam. He is an artist Ambassador for Vic Firth, Paiste cymbals, and Tama Drums.